Neal Shusterman has tapped into a serious topic in today's society that has been going on in earnest since the 1970s, Roe vs Wade. This futuristic piece hits close to home towards humanity and how warped and far it will go on hard topics. It seems in today's world, violations of civil rights by our government continue over and over again. Shusterm-

an's book is no exception. In the dystopian society he's created, there has been another civil war, but this one is over abortions. Therefore, a solution has occurred. No abortions are legal and done anymore. The result is a new process called being Unwound. How does this process work? It's definitely complicated, but no
t hard to find yourself in that situation if you are an adolescent.
Kids go about their lives as usual, but with a new twist. Once they hit 13 years old, their parents, guardians, or wards of the state can sign their kids to be Unwound. A term, which now has a negative connotation. If you are listed as Unwound, society's perception is the adolescent must be a trouble-maker and unworthy of living among us. Harvest camps have been created to facilitate the Unwound, which basically 'Unwinds' the individual by taking every aspect of their living being and using their parts to be surgically put on modern-day citizens. Is this process fair? Well, according to this futuristic government's opinion, until you reach 18 years old and an adult, you have no real rights. Organ donors are no longer needed, as the mass of Unwinds more than suffices the demand for organs, blood, and body parts.
How can society allow the government to enact such a law? Well, money talks and with human body parts coming at a premium and in constant demand due to the human condition; business is booming. I have rarely been in complete shock and unnerved by a scene in a book that shakes my foundation, but when the author reveals the process these kids go through, I was beyond shaken. Grab a copy and hold on, because this rabbit hole, regardless of the ending isn't happy. A true realistic piece of what I hope never ever comes to fruition.
#unwind#unwound#shustermann#dystopian society