The Old Slave House: Unraveling of the Past
Book Two: The Muddy Waters Series
by Joshua Banks & Eleanor McKlin
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Chapter 1: Shifting Gears
The mid-December air nipped at Kayden's nose as she pulled her woolen scarf tighter around her neck. Her friend, Drake, had pulled over on the side of the road and was switching seats with Kayden. The school day had just ended, and Drake had promised to help her learn how to drive, so now she found herself behind the wheel of Drake’s 2003 Chevy S-10. The stick shift loomed like a challenge she was determined to conquer, despite her nerves. The clutch seemed temperamental to Kayden and she told Drake her opinion.
He fired back playfully, “So are you?” Kayden blushed.
Drake and she had become close since her enrollment in October. He sat beside her in the passenger seat. His calm smile and relaxed demeanor put her at ease, even as her hands gripped the steering wheel a bit too tightly. He saw how white her knuckles were becoming because of the lack of blood flow from how hard she was gripping the wheel. The truck's engine rumbled beneath them, a steady, comforting sound in the quiet country afternoon.
"Alright, Kayden," Drake said, his voice warm and encouraging. "First things first: you gotta press the clutch all the way down."
Kayden glanced at him with her green eyes, her heart skipping a beat as he placed his hand over hers on the gearshift.
"Like this?" She pressed the clutch with her left foot, her brows furrowed in concentration.
"Perfect," he replied, his eyes shining with amusement.
"Now, put it in first gear."
His hand guided the gear stick. The brief contact sent a shiver through her that had nothing to do with the cold. She focused on the task at hand, trying to ignore the fluttering in her stomach.
"Got it," her voice softly replied.
Drake leaned back, giving her space but keeping his eyes on her, ready to jump in if needed.
"Okay, now slowly release the clutch while you give it a little gas."
Drake braced himself for the potential jolt the truck would take if she popped the clutch on accident. Kayden nodded, her tongue peeking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated. The truck lurched forward awkwardly, and she quickly pressed the clutch again, her cheeks flushing.
"Hey, not bad for a first try," Drake said, his laugh a low, pleasant rumble.
"You’re getting there. Just take it slow."
She tried again, and this time the truck moved forward more smoothly. Kayden couldn’t help but smile with a sense of accomplishment.
"I think I’m getting the hang of it."
"I never doubted you," Drake said, his voice sincere. Their eyes met for a moment, and the world outside the truck seemed to fade away.
She returned her eyes back to the road.
"Thanks for helping me with this. I don’t like practicing with Aunt Hollyn. She is like a drill Sergeant and mom wants to be overprotective."
Drake gave a quick laugh. He may have only spent a few months around the duo while hanging with Kayden, but he knew exactly what she was talking about.
“I’ll bet,” he replied playfully. "We can do this anytime, Kat," he said, using the nickname only he called her.
It came after she fired off on Shades for playing a joke on her at school. Shades stuck mayonnaise in some regular glazed donuts. She was the first he gave one to. He told her it was a white cream-filled one. What made it worse was the fact she forgot to eat breakfast that morning and was super hungry. Kayden took a huge bit into it and the mayo exploded into her mouth. She immediately started spitting it out all over the place. Mayo covered her chin, desk, and floor. Her nemesis, Felecia Wolfe made a video of it and posted it to her social media account. It went viral. She was on Shades fast. She grabbed one of his donuts and smashed it all over his face and sunglasses. It was quite the scene. While she was smashing the donut in his face, Shade’s hands were flailing everywhere trying to fend off Kayden. In the interim he whined for Kayden to put her claws away. Drake had pulled up behind her and pinned her arms to her body.
He said, “C’mon Kat, you’ve scratched him enough.”
The name stuck between them. No one else could call her by that name. Her girlfriends called her caviar anyway because of her jet black hair.
Drake’s promise of taking her driving still clung to her. His words hung in the air between them, heavy with unspoken meaning. She wanted to ask him if he felt the same way she did. But the thought of disrupting their easy friendship scared her.
"So, where are we heading?" she asked, trying to change the subject.
The country roads stretched out before them, winding through fields dusted with a light layer of snow. Southern Illinois had gotten an early snow frosting. It was nothing huge which could get them out of school, but the scenery was beautiful. It was like a Terry Redlin painting.
"There's a spot by the lake I want to show you," Drake said, his voice filled with excitement.
"It’s beautiful this time of year."
She wrinkled her nose in curiosity. “What lake?”
“It’s called Glen O Jones Lake. It’s not really huge or anything. It’s on the outskirts of Equality. Rather pretty peaceful and great for thinking,” answered Drake, looking out the window.
They drove in comfortable silence for a while, Kayden growing more confident with each shift of the gears. The landscape outside was serene, the winter sunlight casting long shadows on the small areas of snow. Arriving at the entrance, Drake had Kayden put the truck into park. They traded spots. He let her know the rise and drop off of the road made it hard for a newby driver. No offense to her. When they arrived at the lake, it was like stepping into a postcard. The water was really blue, shimmering under the late afternoon sun. The location was very well taken care of. Drake parked the truck, and they climbed out, their breath visible in the cold air.
"Wow, it’s gorgeous," Kayden said, her eyes wide with wonder.
She wrapped her arms around herself, both for warmth and to contain the emotions bubbling up inside her.
Drake stood beside her, close enough that their shoulders brushed. Both of them were taking it all in.
“Let’s walk out on one of the extending banks,” he suggested. Kayden followed his lead.
"I knew you’d like it," he whispered. He glanced at her, his expression unreadable. "Kayden, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you..."
Her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn’t shake the fact that in October she was taking on the spirits of the dead, so walking with Drake shouldn’t have her nervous and scared.
"What is it, Drake?" she answered with trepidation.
Why does this have to be so hard and uncomfortable? she thought to herself.
He took a deep breath, his eyes locked on hers. "I... I’ve liked you for a long time. More than just as a friend."
The words hung in the air, and for a moment, Kayden felt like she couldn’t breathe. They stopped walking as they made it to the end of the extended bank. They were looking at the lake all around them. She turned and stared at him, her mind racing.
"I feel the same way," she finally said, her voice barely a whisper.
Drake’s face broke into a smile, one of relief and joy. He took her hand in his, the warmth of his touch seeping through the cold.
"Really?" he answered, not quite believing what he heard.
Man, she makes me so vulnerable, he thought.
"Really," she replied, her own smile spreading across her face.
The moment felt perfect, like the world had shifted into place just for them. As they stood by the lake, the winter air crisp around them, Kayden felt like she was on the verge of something new and wonderful. She squeezed Drake’s hand, the future suddenly looking brighter than ever.
The drive back to Kayden’s house was too fast. After their confession by the lake, the air between them was charged with newfound understanding and affection. As they neared her home, the sky had darkened to a deep indigo, the first stars peeking through the velvet curtain of night. It was only 5 o’clock, but it seemed like it was late. Drake pulled the truck into her drive, the engine idling as he turned to look at her.
"Well, it's been an eventful day, huh?" he said, a hint of reluctance in his voice.
Kayden smiled, feeling the same reluctance.
"Yeah, I guess so."
She leaned over and gave him a quick, warm hug, her cheek brushing his.
"Thanks for today, Drake. It was... perfect."
"Anytime, Kat," he replied, his eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Pick you up tomorrow?"
"Definitely," she said, her heart fluttering. She slipped out of the truck and said before she closed the door, “tell VanOrmer he can stop being sorry for the donut thing. He doesn’t have to avoid me anymore. Besides, tomorrow is the last day of school and we’re out for two weeks of Christmas break. I’d hate to think our little beef was the cause for not having all of us get together over that time.
Drake nodded and gave a thankful smile. “I’m sure he will appreciate it. I’ll tell him and be prepared. He will be with me in the morning.”
Kayden smiled and shut the door. She turned and waved as he drove away, his taillights disappearing into the night.
Kayden turned and walked up the steps to her front door, her mind still swirling with the events of the day. She opened the door and stepped into the warm, cozy interior of her home. The familiar scent of her mom’s cooking wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and conversation coming from the kitchen.
"Kayden, is that you?" called her mom, Kailynn, her voice filled with affection.
"Yeah, it’s me," Kayden replied, shrugging off her coat and hanging it on the rack by the door.
She walked into the kitchen, where her mom, her Aunt Hollyn, and her younger brother Jackson were gathered around the table, which was covered with ingredients and half-prepared dishes.
"Hey, there you are!" Jackson said with a grin, his face smeared with flour.
"We’re making cookies."
"I can see that dork," Kayden said, giving him an eye roll. "It looks like you’re wearing more of it than making it."
Her aunt Hollyn chuckled, brushing a stray lock of hair from his face.
"He’s enthusiastic, if nothing else. You look like you’re glowing," Hollyn observed.
Kailynn turned to look at her daughter, her eyes twinkling.
"How was your driving lesson with Drake?"
Kayden felt a blush creep up her cheeks. "It was good. I think I'm getting better at driving a stick."
Hollyn raised an eyebrow, noticing the blush. "Just good? You seem pretty spry for just a driving lesson."
Hollyn looked at Jackson and raised an eyebrow. He didn’t miss her look.
“Yeah, guess Drake really had you shifting gears and stuff, right, sis?” he teased mercilessly.
Everyone knew Kayden was sweet on Drake, however her hard-headed nature didn’t allow for such blatant acknowledgment. Kayden kept swearing up and down that they were friends and nothing else. She couldn’t hide how she lit up when he was in her presence.
Kayden hesitated, then shared her news.
"Actually, something else happened.”
Aunt Hollyn immediately interrupted. “Did you hit a critter crossing the road? That happens a ton when you go country cruisin.”
Kayden gave a loud, impatient squeal, stamping her foot, quieting them all down.
“Drake told me he likes me. Like, really likes me." She couldn’t hide her smile.
There was a moment of silence before Jackson piped up, "About time! Everyone could see that coming from a mile away."
Kailynn and Hollyn exchanged a knowing glance, then Kailynn said, "I’m so happy for you, Kayden. Drake’s a great guy."
“Got mom’s approval,” chimed in Jackson not looking up from his cookie mess.
Hollyn nodded, her expression warm. "He really is. You two have always seemed to click."
"I appreciate the support." Kayden smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude and love for her family.
Kailynn wrapped her daughter in a tight hug. "Now, why don’t you help us finish these cookies? We could use an extra pair of hands."
Jackson interrupted, “she can’t, mom. She has to go upstairs and take random pictures of herself and send them to Drake on Snapchat,” he teased.
“Shut up,” Kayden frowned, joining her family at the table. "Alright mom, but no promises on how they’ll turn out with Jackson's 'enthusiasm' involved."
Jackson stuck out his tongue playfully. "Hey, I’m a master chef in the making!"
As they worked together, the kitchen was filled with laughter and the sweet aroma of baking cookies. Kayden felt a deep sense of contentment, surrounded by the people she loved. The events of the day had shifted something inside her, and she felt ready to embrace whatever the future held, with her family and Drake by her side. Maybe she could start calling Ledford home?
Later, as the cookies baked and they cleaned up the kitchen, Hollyn pulled Kayden aside.
"I’m really proud of you, Kayden. Not just for learning to drive, but for being brave enough to share your feelings. It’s not always easy."
Kayden smiled at her aunt, feeling a swell of emotion. "Thanks, Aunt Hollyn. It means a lot to hear you say that."
Hollyn squeezed her shoulder affectionately. "Anytime, kiddo."
Just like that, a knock came at the back door. Both of them turned their heads from the living room to look at the door. It opened and in stepped Deputy Bryon Ramsey. Hollyn’s relationship with the deputy had taken on a new life of its own since the Hungarian Cemetery debacle. Byron had been there the whole way, supporting Hollyn and the family during their patch of rough transitioning. Kailynn and the kids had moved back into Hollyn’s family home in mid-October and a whole slew of events unfolded. Somewhere in the middle of all that tumultuous series of events, Byron and Hollyn ended up finding themselves a couple. The deputy most nights would come by after work or before work to check on Hollyn and the family. Although Hollyn always made a big deal about it, Kayden knew she secretly loved it.
Deputy Ramsey entered the house with a smile on his face.
“Why are you smiling so big, Ramsey?” Hollyn chastised playfully.
It was their usual banter and interaction. Hollyn still continued to act like she only tolerated Ramsey’s presence, but it was their ebb and flow. Kayden had completely gotten used to it and ignored her aunt.
Kayden followed her aunt’s question, “Hey Bryon, how was your day?”
He took his hat off and sat next to Kayden on the couch. He reached over and pulled her head towards him and kissed her in a fatherly manner on the top of the head. Then he scratched her hair all up playfully. Kayden elbowed him in the ribs and he let out a little noise.
“Whoa there tiger,” Byron said. “My day was pretty good. No major crimes are happening today in the ‘Burg.”
Hollyn crossed her arms and gave a pouty, hrrmp… “Oh, so my niece gets a kiss and an answer, but I don’t get anything? What kind of a,” she hesitated.
Hollyn hated acknowledging he was her boyfriend. Hollyn simply didn’t like the idea of relying on anyone, but herself or family. Falling in love with someone was a tough sell for her, but regardless of her stance, her heart wouldn’t allow her to be alone.
Ramsey finished her sentence for her, “boyfriend is the word I think you are struggling to find, Hollybear.”
“Byron, you can only use that when we’re alone. I’ve told you I hate when you call me that in front of other people,” blushed Hollyn.
Kayden laughed despite herself.
“Laugh it up Kitty Kat,” Hollyn retorted.
Now Kayden was the one to turn red.
Ramsey got up and pulled Hollyn up out of the chair and put her in a big bear hug. She immediately melted and he relaxed his grip.
“C’mon you two, no need to trade barbs on my account,” Byron said to lighten the air.
He kissed Hollyn and again, she was left speechless.
Kayden, recovering from her aunt’s little punch in the arm with Drake’s nickname for her, decided it was time to head up to her room and get ready for her last day of school before Christmas break. She stood up and walked past both of the lovebirds. She started going up the staircase to the upstairs, but stopped halfway and turned back to her aunt.
“I told you that in confidence Aunt Hollyn. You shouldn’t use it to make fun of me, just because you’re uncomfortable being vulnerable with Ramsey.”
She didn’t wait for a response. Kayden hustled up the stairs with a smile on her face. Once her aunt couldn’t see.
Hollyn watched her go feeling guilty now.
“She’s got your number, kid.” Ramsey let Hollyn go and they both sat on the couch.
Hollyn thought for a moment. “No, she just likes to get the last word.”
Now it was Ramsey’s turn to laugh at Hollyn. She gave a curious eyebrow raise questioning what was so funny?
“Oh Hollyn, I wonder where she learned that from?”
“I didn’t teach her that. She was like that before she got here,” defended Hollyn.
“Exactly! Ramsey said as if he struck gold. “The line of stubbornness with the women in this family is in no short supply. It is apparently ingrained in the female DNA.”
Hollyn stuck her bottom lip out. Byron grabbed her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. The two stayed up talking about their day and upcoming plans for Christmas. Life around the Toth’s seemed to be leveling out and Hollyn was very grateful for her family coming back and Byron. Even though the man frazzled every sensibility inside her, apparently she needed that according to her sister.