Derf Backderf rocks!! I have to say, I really enjoyed this particular graphic novel. The story line is energetic and funny. JB is 21 year old and living at home just got real. Mom makes him get a job, so one call into the garbage company who is hiring gets our story started. Follow JB and his sidekick Mike as they journey through the occupation of being a municipal garbage men. I was really taken aback at the zany things people do with their garbage and the petty ways in which they deal with throwing garbage out. I immensely enjoyed the humor of the author in the telling of how garbage men also deal with the general public. If you like a funny story, but also informational facts; this sordid tale of crap really hits home. Derf doesn’t tell the reader to be more conservative or aware of their habits towards waste. He simply gives the history of garbage and the data on current waste. He leaves you to decide how to interpret the information given. You learn how our garbage is dealt with along with how it is created. I was blindsided by the information. I have to be brutally honest, up until I read this novel, I could have cared less about my actions towards waste. I simply put whatever I didn’t want any more in the garbage and went about my business. Since reading Backderf’s graphic novel, I now compost, recycle and try to influence others to do the same.

One of the comical characters in the story is Magee. This guy really makes my day with his antics and comments. Hitting kids with exploding diapers, the dog catcher actually capturing dogs which are inside fenced areas intentionally, and dealing with unruly customers makes this story within a story great! I would recommend this book for teenagers and adults alike. It is a must read for all generations!! Anyone who gives this a bad rating, ignore.