The author tells the story from first person point of view in the book. She is very direct with her writing and doesn't fluff up nor truly get deep into all the emotional interaction or narrative description towards her spouse and their relationship. She gives us the gist of the situation by describing how they initially met. The eventual, but fast growth in their

relationship and decision to marry. The focus of course is the unsettling hurdle of dealing with cancer. Her spouse was already dealing with cancer when they met, so this is not a surprise novel with a twist in regards to her lover's health. "Beyond the Grave" should trigger before reading, a loved one will die and what ensues is the focus. I appreciate the candidness of the author and really felt their struggle and frustration, but what's more I truly couldn't really imagine how much worse it really was to deal with in real time with her. Every time she mentions the hospital efforts, it absolutely ticks me off for them. Looking for solutions, yet being stone-walled everywhere they went with no one willing to offer any avenue of hope. Had to be one of the most frustrating things they have ever dealt with; followed by pure anger at how they were treated. The final stages of the book lend themselves to giving a great example of how belief, faith and personal growth is essential to actually 'living life.' I appreciate also how the author takes time after certain events to show the specific reflections on each stage of her journey. She shows what she learns during her relationship process. I found it very inspirational and truly a journey of self-discovery on so many fronts. It is a short piece, but a good one and the lessons learned can and should be incorporated into anyone's life. Good read!