Here comes a delightful, heartfelt story built on the timeless tale of Santa Claus. Meaghan Hurn gives a new spin and update to a classic, by working to modernize and explain the spirit of Christmas by the icon himself, Santa. The story is meant for everyone, but truly appeals to children of all ages. The author begins this story in a remote small town where its' families have gathered at the local library in anticipation for a visit from none other than Santa Claus himself!
Santa decided to take a short break from his work, to meet the parents and children of this town and offer them a very special gift. Each of them is allowed to ask him one question each. In return, he will answer them honestly and completely. Hurn does a wonderful job addressing the many questions children and adults ask about our red, jolly hero who brings presents to the true believers of the world. Strap in as Santa in his jovial manner touches our hearts, makes us laugh, and soothes the anxiety that life can present in this classic, turned modern tale of what it means to care and celebrate the essence of Christmas spirit.