The format is really done well. Easy to read and fast pace. I have always wanted to learn about how to make candles, which it does in definitive detail with very easy to find materials at home. Honestly, the wax and wick would be the only things lacking I need. My girlfriend has tons of the oils for smell, and I own all the utensils needed to construct the candle.

Manifesting ones energy and intentions during a chosen time (which is suggested the new moon) has a very cool vibe for me. The idea of using possible items which resonate some pull I've had internally with the lighting stage of the candle seems very plausible to manifesting the subconscious need. Naturally a meditative state is trying to be reached during this process, which if not for any other reason has a calming effect someone like myself (high blood pressure) could utilize as a health benefit. Author goes onto talk about the history of magic and candles which I found enlightening. Even more curious was learning about the variation of candles like color, odor, numbers, frequency, vibrations, herbs, oils, crystals, and stones. The illustrations are appropriate, easy to understand and not too flamboyant. I liked this book and would recommend to any novice who would like to learn a little bit about candles.