The Exoskeleton Chronicles by Chad Descoteaux
Our story takes place in modern day society. Our hero and main character is Jeremy Boon. A now middle aged man in his thirties who suffers from Asperger's. He struggles with social anxiety and stress, which makes it tough for him to form meaningful relationships at times, especially towards the opposite sex.
Not short on humor and whit, he is paired up with a collection of characters who add flavor and fun to the story. Jeremy's origin story like most characters starts with his childhood and a loving father who unfortunately gets caught up in his job. A job which requires secrecy. It is in that realm where eventually, he is reported dead after a very controversial manner in which he dies occurs. (Leave it to our government, right?) Jeremy whose passion was bug collection is shattered emotionally over the event and ends up destroying what he loved most, his bug collection...splat!! Many years later he has used that event to create a profession he whole-heartedly can get behind, Bug-Busters, the extermination of pests. While Jeremy has pretty much gone through his life avoiding stress, people, and anything which might elevate his heart rate, one phone call will change all that.
The author is a very gifted writer who does a great job with his control of language in the novel as well as witty elements. I truly enjoyed his references to pop-culture and the colorful characters he placed in the novel. While reading, he has some perfectly placed alliteration combinations which allow for really good description of emotions and events occurring in the novel. If you like a light read with a few twists and turns, this is your cup of tea. You will smile and laugh as Jeremy Boon and company take the stage.